Wednesday, November 30, 2016

4 Healthy Habits to Achieve Ideal Body Weight

4 Healthy Habits to Achieve Ideal Body Weight
No one wants to be obese. That is for sure. Unfortunately, lose weight up to the ideal stage it is not that easy for many people. Although, there are also people who do not seem difficult to lose excess body weight. What's the secret?
No need to guess. National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) and Global Healthy Weight Registry (GHWR) evaluate the health habits of their clients who successfully lose weight. This is their habits that:
1. They always sarapanSembilan of 10 adults GHWR successful in achieving their ideal weight is never skip breakfast, 78 perwen their success is determined olrh good habits.
Breakfast helps mrngontrol excessive appetite. People who eat breakfast tend to consume fewer calories than those who skip breakfast.
Select the menu healthy breakfast such as cereal or oatmeal or whole-grain bread with pieces of fresh fruit, eggs or grilled chicken breast / boiled skinless.
Scientific findings, published by the Nutrition Research said, people who eat breakfast oatmeal, weight and waist size smaller than no breakfast oatmeal.
2. Routine badanBerteman weigh the scales can be one of the keys to success in weight loss. Even 75% of registrants NWCR weigh at least once a week.
This allows them to take immediate action if the numbers on the scale seen moving up or stagnant.
Results from recent clinical trials show that people who weigh at least five days a week, can reduce the weight of about three times more than that are not routinely weigh.
3. They often BerolahragaBanyak studies show that diet plays a major role in weight loss programs. This does not mean you should not exercise.
Nearly 90 percent of those who managed to get in NWCR ideal weight, exercise 60 minutes every day, throughout the week. And 42 percent of clients GHWR who managed to lose weight, regular exercise five days a week.
If you do not exercise at all, weight loss results will not be satisfactory. Your muscles will be loose and not effective for burning fat.
4. They do not dietIni may sound hard to believe, but this is the truth. Those who successfully lose weight, sparse diet. In GHWR, 74 participants said they never or rarely diet.
They focus on the quality of their food choices (such as fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains), listen to the cues hunger and satiety submitted by the brain and the stomach, limiting the time watching TV (relax in front of the TV for too long can trigger the desire snacking), and rarely snack outside.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Important Factors That Affect Weight Loss Increase

Important Factors That Affect Weight Loss Increase
Every baby is born with different body weight, as well as with its growth. However, most babies will gain weight rapidly in the first three months. After that, weight gain will decrease, not as much as before. So, what factors affect infant weight gain?
According to dr. Wiyarni testifying, SpA, IBCLC, increase infant growth curve is not linear. There are phases of weight does not rise rapidly. In the first three months after birth, the baby's weight gain was "speeding", at least 700 grams per month or up to a kilo a month. But then the rise was sloped in the next three months "only" 400-600 grams.
"If it ramps, Mama do not expect gained 1 kilo per month. Ancer-ancernya infant weight at the age of 5 months of twice the weight at birth. While children aged 1 year old, weighs three times more birth weight. It roughly, "explained the child's doctor.
AspekBila influenced some baby weight has not increased, but rather decreased, please do not panic. Baby's weight is affected by many aspects, one of which received the baby intake. Well, the intake of this little one needs to be distinguished; Among infants under 6 months and children over 6 months.
If infants under 6 months, his weight did not increase, try to observe how their milk intake. Enough or not? For babies over 6 months with the same case, please pay attention to the intake of solid foods.
According Wiyarni, in infants under 6 months whose weight does not grow, do not quickly give vitamins, let alone adding the intake with milk formula. Not recommended also provide additional baby food.
"Research has proven nutritional needs of infants up to 6 months of age adequately met by breast milk. He does not need formula also does not require complementary feeding, "said Wiyarni.
Feeding too early are at risk, such as allergies, because the baby's digestive tract is still weak. In addition, if the baby gets extra food before the age of 6 months, automatically menyusunya will be reduced. In fact, breast milk provides many benefits such as immunity, and essential nutrients needed by the baby.
What to do Mama when the weight of the baby is not growing? Of course Mama should immediately consult your doctor to find the cause of the small weight did not increase it.
Doctors generally will figure out whether the way of feeding or eating little less precise, whether ASI / solid foods sufficient, or indeed any health problems in the child.
"If the problem is with the feeding, then the way that should be fixed. If the baby sick, the pain should be relieved. Mom who needs his mother's milk is not the maximum, can consult a breastfeeding counselor. "
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