Wednesday, November 30, 2016

4 Healthy Habits to Achieve Ideal Body Weight

4 Healthy Habits to Achieve Ideal Body Weight
No one wants to be obese. That is for sure. Unfortunately, lose weight up to the ideal stage it is not that easy for many people. Although, there are also people who do not seem difficult to lose excess body weight. What's the secret?
No need to guess. National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) and Global Healthy Weight Registry (GHWR) evaluate the health habits of their clients who successfully lose weight. This is their habits that:
1. They always sarapanSembilan of 10 adults GHWR successful in achieving their ideal weight is never skip breakfast, 78 perwen their success is determined olrh good habits.
Breakfast helps mrngontrol excessive appetite. People who eat breakfast tend to consume fewer calories than those who skip breakfast.
Select the menu healthy breakfast such as cereal or oatmeal or whole-grain bread with pieces of fresh fruit, eggs or grilled chicken breast / boiled skinless.
Scientific findings, published by the Nutrition Research said, people who eat breakfast oatmeal, weight and waist size smaller than no breakfast oatmeal.
2. Routine badanBerteman weigh the scales can be one of the keys to success in weight loss. Even 75% of registrants NWCR weigh at least once a week.
This allows them to take immediate action if the numbers on the scale seen moving up or stagnant.
Results from recent clinical trials show that people who weigh at least five days a week, can reduce the weight of about three times more than that are not routinely weigh.
3. They often BerolahragaBanyak studies show that diet plays a major role in weight loss programs. This does not mean you should not exercise.
Nearly 90 percent of those who managed to get in NWCR ideal weight, exercise 60 minutes every day, throughout the week. And 42 percent of clients GHWR who managed to lose weight, regular exercise five days a week.
If you do not exercise at all, weight loss results will not be satisfactory. Your muscles will be loose and not effective for burning fat.
4. They do not dietIni may sound hard to believe, but this is the truth. Those who successfully lose weight, sparse diet. In GHWR, 74 participants said they never or rarely diet.
They focus on the quality of their food choices (such as fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains), listen to the cues hunger and satiety submitted by the brain and the stomach, limiting the time watching TV (relax in front of the TV for too long can trigger the desire snacking), and rarely snack outside.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Important Factors That Affect Weight Loss Increase

Important Factors That Affect Weight Loss Increase
Every baby is born with different body weight, as well as with its growth. However, most babies will gain weight rapidly in the first three months. After that, weight gain will decrease, not as much as before. So, what factors affect infant weight gain?
According to dr. Wiyarni testifying, SpA, IBCLC, increase infant growth curve is not linear. There are phases of weight does not rise rapidly. In the first three months after birth, the baby's weight gain was "speeding", at least 700 grams per month or up to a kilo a month. But then the rise was sloped in the next three months "only" 400-600 grams.
"If it ramps, Mama do not expect gained 1 kilo per month. Ancer-ancernya infant weight at the age of 5 months of twice the weight at birth. While children aged 1 year old, weighs three times more birth weight. It roughly, "explained the child's doctor.
AspekBila influenced some baby weight has not increased, but rather decreased, please do not panic. Baby's weight is affected by many aspects, one of which received the baby intake. Well, the intake of this little one needs to be distinguished; Among infants under 6 months and children over 6 months.
If infants under 6 months, his weight did not increase, try to observe how their milk intake. Enough or not? For babies over 6 months with the same case, please pay attention to the intake of solid foods.
According Wiyarni, in infants under 6 months whose weight does not grow, do not quickly give vitamins, let alone adding the intake with milk formula. Not recommended also provide additional baby food.
"Research has proven nutritional needs of infants up to 6 months of age adequately met by breast milk. He does not need formula also does not require complementary feeding, "said Wiyarni.
Feeding too early are at risk, such as allergies, because the baby's digestive tract is still weak. In addition, if the baby gets extra food before the age of 6 months, automatically menyusunya will be reduced. In fact, breast milk provides many benefits such as immunity, and essential nutrients needed by the baby.
What to do Mama when the weight of the baby is not growing? Of course Mama should immediately consult your doctor to find the cause of the small weight did not increase it.
Doctors generally will figure out whether the way of feeding or eating little less precise, whether ASI / solid foods sufficient, or indeed any health problems in the child.
"If the problem is with the feeding, then the way that should be fixed. If the baby sick, the pain should be relieved. Mom who needs his mother's milk is not the maximum, can consult a breastfeeding counselor. "
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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Crying Apart Lowers Body Weight, While Sih?

Crying Apart Lowers Body Weight, While Sih?


Jakarta, One expert said regardless of crying can help lose weight. Science can explain that claim, but doubts about it are also popping up. The claim that crying can reduce the body weight of which appears from the statement of Dr. Pete Sulack, which mentions weeping sound can relieve stress. Substitution hormone persist due to too fat metabolism in the body. One study at St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center opened that tears contain some stress hormones such as prolactin, adrenocorticotropic, and leucine enkephalin. Everything is produced by the human body when there is in a state of stress, said Dr. Pete, taken from PopSugar, Sunday (24/07/2016). The shrinking of the stress hormone, according to Dr. Pete makes metabolic system switch. Time body feels more relaxed, accumulation of fat is more easily shrunk to lose weight. Read also: Quick Start Sleep accustomed since Infants, Children Not Easy Fat But in practice, the impact on the metabolism rated cry not how big. Health experts from Yerevan State Medical University, Dr. Robert Petros in his article on Livestrong mentioned by way of physical mengangis just burn fewer calories. In fact, he also reminded, sometimes crying too are signs of depression. Weight loss when a crying because depression may take place not because of the change of the rate of metabolism, but by the loss of appetite. Read also: Affected by Temperature and Cold Water Bath Help Lose Weight? This Word Expert (up / vit)



Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Berat Badan Ati Pasca Melahirkan Sukses Turun 21 Kg Karena Food Combining

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Berat Badan Ati Pasca Melahirkan Sukses Turun 21 Kg Karena Food Combining

 Bandung - Sama dengan beberapa besar wanita lain pasca melahirkan, berat Badan Ati Jevianti (35) sempat juga naik. Ia juga lalu mencari langkah supaya dapat kembalikan bentuk badannya seperti awal mulanya. Ati mengambil keputusan untuk mengaplikasikan pola makan food combining, yaitu menyeleraskan pada konsumsi pati, daging serta sayuran. Tidak sia-sia, berat Badannya sukses turun dari awal mulanya 68 kg jadi 47 kg lho. Tersebut paparan Ati pada detikHealth, seperti ditulis pada Jumat (5/9/2014) : Sesudah melahirkan anak pertama, berat Badan saya meraih 65 kg. Walau sebenarnya terlebih dulu cuma 43 kg. Keunggulan berat Badan ini selalu berlanjut hingga melahirkan anak ke-2. Ketika mulai hamil berat Badan saya ada di posisi 59 kg serta sesudah melahirkan bobot saya meraih 68 kg. Sudah pasti terkecuali tampilan saya sebagai tak menarik, saya memiliki keluhan-keluhan yang cukup mengganggu seperti sakit kepala samping, desakan darah tak stabil, cepat capek serta mengantuk, dan nyeri pada persendian. Disuatu peluang, saya menghadiri ikut undangan reuni kampus suami. Saya tidak berniat mendengar rekan reuni suami berkomentar mengenai saya yang kurang mengenakkan. Saya dimaksud seperti 'emak-emak'. Mulai sejak itu saya berkemauan untuk berdiet serta mengawali gaya hidup yang lebih sehat. Saya mengaplikasikan pola diet food combining serta saya susun menu per minggu untuk digerakkan. Pada intinya diet food combining ini menyesuaikan macam makanan pada pati, daging serta sayuran. Menu pagi saya mulai dengan minum satu gelas air putih dengan kombinasi buah lemon. Kemudian saya sarapan dengan makan 2 lembar roti plus olesan selai buah serta yoghurt. Lalu jam 10 pagi saya ngemil 2 buah apel/melon/semangka. Untuk makan siang, saya tentukan menu nasi + tumis sayuran/ikan bakar. Sesaat untuk sorenya saya makan buah potong atau smoothies pisang serta apel. Nah, makan malam saya umumnya menyantap sayur asem dengan ikan bakar tanpa ada nasi. Olahraganya saya berenang sekali dalam sepekan dengan durasi 1 jam nonstop serta sit up 20 hitungan sehari-hari sebelumnya tidur. Sesudah berkelanjutan dengan program ini, pada bln. ke lima saya sukses menurunkan berat Badan sampai jadi 47 kg. Keluhan-keluhan seperti migrain, desakan darah tak stabil serta nyeri sendi juga hilang. Badan saya juga merasa lebih enteng serta lebih bertenaga untuk mengurusi ke-2 putra saya. (ajg/vit)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Step Increase Appetite For a Weight Increase

Step Increase Appetite For a Weight Increase


Jakarta, Good morning Ma'am, I want to ask the question, why is my Body weight naturally decrease progressively until the so-called thin? Of the original 55 kg today to 40 kg. I also lost the taste and appetite Ma'am. How to restore my body weight and increase my appetite back? Thanks. Windi (female, 26 years old.) AzurakaniaXXXX @ yahoo. co. idTinggi 165 cm, weight 40 kgJawabanHalo Windi, appetite generally closely associated with psychological and physical state. Eg psychological state of stress but also to the eating disorder. Eg physical state no underlying medical condition that is not detected, such as anemia, celiac disease and lactose intolerance. The physical state that I say, if not detected in a preliminary way, can make some intestinal cells damaged by injury and ineffective absorption of nutrients as well as one among its symptoms are severe shrinking of the Agency, weakness and lethargy are also digestive problems (bloating, diarrhea). So my suggestion is Windi try for one week to the next note / remember what are the foods consumed and there some symptoms such as the above. Also could carefully anemia in the laboratory. When you have the results, we can give appropriate encouragement same results. If indeed there is anemia / celiac / lactose intolerance so recommended diet would be appropriate. If there are no so would diliat diets that exist today. For further consultation can contact me. Thanks. Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (Nutrition Specialist) from the University of Sydney. With a special interest in a diet program for oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification program diets. Caregiver Family Nutrition Clinic http: // www. klinikgizi. information /. Twitter Follow @Leona_victoria. (Hrn / vit)


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Rely Menu Stew as well as fruit, Jennie Success Lower Body Weight 26 Kg

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Rely Menu Stew as well as fruit, Jennie Success Lower Body Weight 26 Kg

Banten - With body height 157 cm and weight 86 kg, Jennie Sanchia Firdaus (17) often feels uncomfortable. He also envied by some of his friends were easy to find the time to buy clothes size. Away from the argument, Jennie also willing to lose weight through how to change eating habits. He entrusted the side dish menu paced on the cob. A period of 6 bln., The weight drops from its humble beginnings 86 kg to 60 kg. The story, as written detikHealth on Thursday (21/07/2016): In the past I was actually the most indifferent to body weight, but then I felt uncomfortable with my body. I also envy my colleagues who can have nice clothes at affordable prices. The problem with body fat, I feel the price of clothes there in the market is expensive. Beyond that, I also felt must lose weight to protect my health. Moreover, my age is still so young. I am also looking for information about a healthy diet of social media and the internet, and then I see no public profile someone who successfully lose weight after having two children. My intention is also more rounded. My prefix eat less rice, but my weight slow downs. In the end I still consume carbohidrat, namely to replace rice with boiled potatoes. Each 9am I eat boiled vegetables with boiled potatoes companion, ungkep chicken, boiled eggs, and everything is stew. Then I also select a bowl of fruit snacks. In the afternoon I did jog regularly and zumba. I also avoid some greasy food, bersantan, and sugary. But in one week, I provide a day cheat day, where I can drink milk or eat ice cream, but the amount granted. Alhamdulillah in 6 mths. I successfully lose weight over 20 kg body growing. Currently I still protect my body so that no back fat as it once again to protect diet and doing regular exercise. Today, with new weights, I so easy to obtain clothes that I want and not sickly as they used to be. Read also: Consulted Yuk! Look Trick Vania Successfully Lose Weight 22 kg in 6 Months (ajg / vit)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Monday's TELEVISION highlights: The period premiere of 'Jane the Virgin' and a lot more

Monday's TELEVISION highlights: The period premiere of 'Jane the Virgin' and a lot more




The Lodge A teen (Sophie Simnett) moves with her widowed father to the family-owned resort in country Northern Ireland where her late mother grew up in this new mystery dramatization. 5 as well as 10 p.m. Disney Channel


The Voice Joan Jett, Charlie Puth, Sammy Hagar and Bette Midler offer their competence to the entrants as the battle rounds proceed. 8 p.m. NBC


Supergirl Kara (Melissa Benoist) obtains a new employer (" Cougar Town's" Ian Gomez) and also tackles yet an additional kryptonite-powered bad guy in this brand-new episode. 8 p.m. KTLA


Dancing With the Stars Rap music's Pitbull works as a visitor judge and also executes on a new episode of the truth competitors. 8 p.m. ABC


2 Broke Women "Joy's" Dot-Marie Jones guest stars as a bouncer and arm-wrestling enthusiast in a new episode of the Kat Dennings-Beth Behrs comedy. 9 p.m. CBS


Jane the Virgin Gina Rodriguez returns as the title personality for a third season of this goofy, telenovela-inspired collection. 9 p.m. KTLA


The Odd Pair Thomas Lennon as well as Matthew Perry are back as this reboot of the timeless sitcom kicks off a 3rd season; Teri Hatcher and musical group Boyz II Males visitor celebrity. 9:30 p.m. CBS


POV Filmmaker Nanfu Wang's brand-new docudrama "Thug Sparrow" details demonstrations led by Chinese lobbyist Ye Haiyan over the sexual assault of numerous young trainees by their elementary-school principal in southern China. 10 p.m. KOCE


Classic Lucy, Wyatt and also Rufus (Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter, Malcolm Barrett) find themselves in "Rat Load"- period Las vega in the early 1960s in a brand-new episode of the sci-fi drama. 10 p.m. NBC


Sentence Hayes (Hayley Atwell) and also her group reopen the situation of a political protestor serving a life sentence for growing a bomb at a mosque in this new episode. 10 p.m. ABC




A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story This new docudrama accounts a young woman with a rare medical problem who became a motivational audio speaker and anti-bullying protestor. 8 p.m. Life time





CBS Today (N) 7 a.m. KCBS


Today Miley Cyrus as well as Joan Jett; cutting-edge ladies; Ben Vereen; favored points. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC


KTLA Morning Information (N) 7 a.m. KTLA


Greetings The U.S.A. (N) 7 a.m. KABC


Great Day L.A. Linda Blair; former Rams gamer Jackie Slater. (N) 7 a.m. KTTV


Cope with Kelly Vin Diesel; songwriter Carole Bayer Sager. (N) 9 a.m. KABC


The View Clay Aiken; preferred items at affordable rates. (N) 10 a.m. KABC


Rachael Ray Tyler Hoechlin (" Supergirl"); New Orleans-style gumbo; sausages with roast broccolini. (N) 10 a.m. KCAL


The Doctors (N) 11 a.m. KCAL


The Wendy Williams Show (N) 11 a.m. KTTV


The Talk Matthew Perry and Thomas Lennon; Ellen K.; Locash executes; guest co-host Nick Zano. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS


The Dr. Oz Show Rob Lowe; short-tempered digestive tract syndrome. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV


The Actual Kevin Hart; all-natural oils; easy means to clean hard, stuck-on messes. 1 p.m. KCOP


Steve Harvey 2 p.m. KNBC


The Genuine Crazy Instagram photos; adding short-lived panache to hair; turning jammies into a stylish outfit. (N) 2 p.m. KTTV


Dr. Phil A former instructor says a 17-year-old student seduced her into having an affair with him. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS


The Ellen DeGeneres Program Wanda Sykes; science teacher Steve Spangler; the Band Perry executes. (N) 3 p.m. KNBC


The Wendy Williams Show The latest information from Hollywood; footwears for loss. 3 p.m. KCOP


Harry Danielle Brooks (" The Shade Purple"); Giselle Eisenberg (" Life in Parts"); way of life expert Danny Seo. (N) 4 p.m. KTTV, 9 p.m. KCOP


Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR, twelve o'clock at night KOCE, 1 a.m. KLCS


The Daily Show With Trevor Noah (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central


StarTalk Physicist Brian Greene. (N) 11 p.m. National Geographic


Conan 11 p.m. TBS


Tavis (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE


The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 11:34 p.m. KNBC


The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Head of state Obama; Expense O'Reilly; Bob Dam executes. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS


Jimmy Kimmel Live 11:35 p.m. KABC


The Late Program With James Corden Dakota Fanning; John Stamos; Shaquille O'Neal. (N) 12:37 a.m. KCBS


Late Night With Seth Meyers 12:37 a.m. KNBC


Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC


Last Call With Carson Daly 1:38 a.m. KNBC

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Tanpa ada Repot Pangkas Berat Tubuh dengan 3 Langkah Ini

Tanpa ada Repot    Pangkas Berat Tubuh dengan 3 Langkah Ini   
    Jakarta Bingung mencari langkah untuk menurunkan berat tubuh? Sebenarnya terkecuali diet ada beberapa cara lain yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk kurangi berat tubuh. Simak beberapa langkah berikut ini     seperti diambil dari website Times of IndiaKamis (11/1/2016).  
1. Tulis semuanya yang dimakan  
Tulislah apa sajakah yang dikonsumsi sepanjang sehari. Termasuk juga makanan yang cuma digigit sedikit saja. Riset menyampaikan beberapa orang yang menuliskan semuanya yang mereka makan condong lebih cepat menurunkan berat tubuh. Sebab mereka bakal selekasnya membakar lemak serta kalori demikian sadar telah sangat banyak memasukkan makanan ke mulut.  
Baca Juga  
7 Pakar Ungkap Langkah Gampang Turunkan Berat Tubuh     
5 Langkah Aneh Turunkan Berat Tubuh    
14 Langkah Menurunkan Berat Tubuh Untuk si Repot (2)    
2. Minum air putih    
Sehaus apa pun Andajanganlah beberapa cobalah meminum cairan yang bukanlah air putih. Satu studi temukan   minum air putih menolong Anda menjaga berat tubuh. 
3. Berolahraga yang mudah   
Berolahraga tidak selamanya mesti di pusat kesehatan (gym) karenanya cuma memberatkan langkah Anda. Demikian sebaliknya fokuslah pada berolahraga atau kesibukan yang bebrapa enteng. Jalan kaki     bermain berbarengan binatang peliharaan   teratur terkait seksual menyapu serta mengepel tiap-tiap lantai dirumah Anda juga begitu menolong menurunkan berat tubuh.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Jessica Denies Love Triangle with Mirna

Jessica Denies Love Triangle with Mirna
 - Back examined Jessica Kumala Wongso, witness its death toll Wayan Mirna Salihin after sipping coffee at Oliver Cafe, Grand Indonesia, by the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Wednesday, January 20, 2016 continue to reap the spotlight.
In fact, this time Jessica was expressly denied participating dibawabawa name in this case because of their love triangle motif.
Nah, I laughed, reject (do not want to comment), Jessica said when met after the examination in the General Criminal Investigation Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, overnight.
Although not want to comment on the love triangle, Jessica hinted already has a lover.
This can be seen when the two lawyers who took part accompanied him in the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters requested Jessica showed photos of her lover, but he refused.
Nah, do not worry, he argued.
Previously, the alleged love triangle until Jessica hurt to miRNA also has denied his lawyer that Yudi Wibowo Sukinto.
Is not true there is a love triangle, UCAR Yudi, Tuesday, January 19, 2016.
In fact, at that time, stating that the girlfriend Jessica Yudi has stature and faced foreigners or foreign nationals. Until now, Jessica said that did not know how miRNA died from cyanide use are included in the coffee ordered.

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6 Diet Tips To Slim-style Tina Toon Ideal

6 Diet Tips To Slim-style Tina Toon Ideal
Tina toon former young artists who are overweight has now changed dramatically into a beautiful artist with a proportionate body. If you had chubby cheeks, thighs and feet large and distended stomach did not even seem to have now waist body shape is the envy of other women.

Aware as an artist, Tina Toon perform a variety of ways to get a slim body ideal with a strict diet and a healthy lifestyle. The result can be seen Tina Toon are now far different from his childhood.

Style diet Tina Toon

What's the secret? Here are some tips to lose weight is carried by tina toon that you can try at home.

1. Tina Toon on a strict diet without rice.

2. For breakfast, Tina Toon only eat a bowl of whole-grain cereal and a glass of low fat milk.

3. During the day, the new Tina free to consume the food menu as usual. Grilled chicken, vegetables, tofu, tempeh and without rice. Sometimes Tina wears half boiled potatoes.

4. For dinner, Tina Toon only eat fruits such as apples, bananas, pears and oranges. If not, it is usually made into juice.

5. Once a week, she still allows herself to enjoy cake and ice cream, but in small portions.

6. In addition to a strict diet, Tina Toon also keep up with the sport in the gym and pool every two days.

According to experts
Diets that do Tina Toon is good. Replace white rice and reducing sugar is a healthy tricks to reduce body fat. But according to experts, if you want to follow Tina Toon style diet should still include the intake of carbohydrates to bind water. Besides carbohydrates also needed as an energy source of the body.

You simply replace white rice with other carbohydrate sources such as corn, potatoes, or yams. For sources of protein should not be fried, boiled or steamed enough. Also equipped with fruits to get the vitamins and minerals.