Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Esta razón por la que se recomienda romper el ayuno con la fecha

Esta razón por la que se recomienda romper el ayuno con la fecha


Yakarta, Dates es una fruta que es idéntica a la llegada de Ramadán. La fruta derivada de Medio Oriente es muy recomendable para comer durante el ayuno. Presentado por el Dr. Hendra Nurjadin, SpPD-KGEH del Hospital Tangerang de Mayapada, además del sabor dulce y bien consumido cuando se rompe el ayuno, las fechas también están familiarizadas con la digestión porque no estimula el ácido gástrico. hay suficientes carbohidratos con suficiente dulzor, luego también proteínas, incluyendo vitaminas, dijo el hombre al que se llama familiarmente Dr. Hendra en Live Chat 'Digestion Stay Healthy When Fasting', que se celebró detikHealth y detikForum recientemente. también: A pesar de que el delicioso y frito menú de un ayuno no es saludable e ideal. Dr. Hendra, las fechas tampoco causan que el estómago esté demasiado lleno. De modo que tanto las nuevas fechas como las fechas se venden comúnmente en el mercado, así como también se rompe temprano el ayuno. Así que para mí no hay problema rompiendo con las fechas. Ambas fechas frescas y fechas se venden comúnmente, agregó lagi.Memang no cantidad ideal de cuántas fechas se consumen. Pero el Dr. Hendra recordó que no debe exagerar y, por supuesto, debe estar equipado con alimentos nutritivos balanceados. No hay un estándar, que debemos recordar que las fechas son dulces. No podemos comer las fechas de nuestra cena, recalcó el Dr. Hendra. Lea también: 'Menú' La apertura se recomienda cuando se lo obliga a abrir el ayuno en el camino (hrn / up)





Friday, February 16, 2018

The Phenomenon of Urban Obesity: Wealthy Men and Poor Women

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The Phenomenon of Urban Obesity: Wealthy Men and Poor Women


Jakarta, Obesity is a nutritional problem whose numbers worldwide continue to rise due to the inequality of caloric intake with minimal physical activity. People with obesity risk experiencing various health conditions so that the authorities are competing to think about how to deal with it. Some countries there are promising gifts for residents who can lose much weight. There are also countries that limit the consumption of foods high in sugar by applying taxes. In Indonesia alone there is no specific policy to deal with the problem of obesity. Related to this there is a recent study from the Center for Food and Nutrition Research (SEAMEO-REFCON) look at the pattern of calorie intake in urban communities of Indonesia. Although obesity is generally seen to increase but there is an interesting phenomenon between gender and social economic status.Ir. Helda Khusnun, MSc, PhD, in the Calorie Intake and Physical Study study conducted a survey collecting data related weight and caloric intake from 864 adults in five major cities. The results are known in males of the prevalence of high obesity cases occurring in the upper social-economy class population reaching 23.5 percent. Meanwhile, for women the situation is reversed where the highest prevalence of obesity belongs to lower social class which reaches 44.3 percent. Why is there a significant difference in prevalence of obesity between gender? Richer men are more obese because they have more opportunities to accumulate calories. But the study can not explain why women are just the opposite. Study: 34 Percent of Urban Calorie Sources Coming from Fat Helda says there are several theories. Starting from the differences in physical activity, the use of hormonal contraceptives, to the theory of development.From the first factor could be because the level of physical activity of women in the lower middle class tend to sedentary or minimal exercise. Therefore caloric intake so much easier unbalanced excess of the needs. Second according to Helda could be also because of the use of certain contraceptives. As is known, the body's metabolism can be affected by hormones and the use of contraception is thought to be related to it. The last factor is a theory called developmental origin of health and disease. In essence the disease or health problems experienced by women from middle to lower economic class may be due to various kinds of exposure to things experienced as a child or even in the womb.So time still in the womb can occur metabolic programming in the fetus. If during the womb in the fetus get the environment for example less food intake because the mother is malnourished then there will be adaptation of metabolism. At birth let people from the poor become more sensitive to infectious diseases including obesity, Helda said in the presentation of studies at Manhattan Hotel, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Wednesday (15/3/2017). There are various hypotheses that we can to convey. But the pattern of relationships like this is also found in other studies and until now we are still looking for the answer what the hell actually, concluded Helda.Read also: Already Stomach Exercises Still Sexy Yeah? Maybe This Cause (fds / up)